int to unsigned bin
int to signed bin
int to bin 1's compl
int to bin 2's compl
unsigned bin to int
signed bin to int
bin 1's compl to int
bin 2's compl to int
dec to bin 32bit
dec to bin 64bit
bin 32bit to float
bin 64bit to double
[en] HTTP Error 403: Forbidden. You don't have permission to access this resource.
[de] HTTP 403: Verboten. Sie haben keine Rechte für den Zugriff auf diese Ressource.
[es] HTTP 403: Prohibido. No tiene el derecho de acceder a este recurso.
[fr] HTTP 403: Interdit. Vous n'avez pas des droits d'accéder cette ressource.
[it] HTTP 403: Vietato. Non hai i diritti di accedere in questa risorsa.
[ro] HTTP 403: Interzis. Nu ai drepturi să accesezi această resursă.